Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beware, lions crossing (and mauling)! Breathtaking moment beasts catch antelope as stunned tourists watch just inches away from open car windows

This is the breathtaking moment two lions brought down and savaged an antelope just inches from the cars of stunned tourists in a game reserve in South Africa.
Briton Carolyn Dunford, 23, who is completing an internship at Kruger National Park, South Africa, captured the bloody drama early Friday morning along with wide-eyed nature-lovers - some watching the spectacle with their windows wide open.
It is only two months since american Katherine Chappell, 29, was dragged through the window of a car by a lion at The Lion Park near Johannesburg.
'The kudu (a type of antelope) burst from the bushes and the lions chased it into the cars,' she said. 'The first lion grabbed onto its back and the second came in and grabbed its throat. They both tackled it.'

 Miss Dunford, a biology graduate from Romsey, Hampshire, was taking an early morning drive through the park - one of the largest game reserves in Africa - when she came across the rare scene and pulled out her camera.
The amateur photographer told MailOnline: 'I think I had been driving for about 45 minutes and at about 7.45am, I saw a group of cars crawling along.
'I pulled up with them and there were the two lions walking towards me.
'One of them saw the kudu in the bushes and I saw the lion crouch.'
She described seeing the terrified kudu bolt towards the cars, losing its balance in the panic and falling.

The whole catch and kill was very quick, but it really was a once-in-a-lifetime sight for tourists who watched the scene close-up

Mother says Primark security guard grabbed her baby while she was breastfeeding and told her: 'If you want your baby back follow me'

A mother claimed today that a security guard allegedly ordered her to stop feeding her daughter in Primark - before tearing the child off her breast, saying: 'If you want your baby back, follow me'.
Mother-of-four Caroline Starmer, 28, maintains that she was feeding nine-month-old Paige behind a mannequin in the clothing retailer’s store in Leicester when the worker forced her to stop.
The unnamed man allegedly ordered her to leave, but when Mrs Starmer - who also had Paige's twin sister Freya with her in a pushchair - refused, he forcibly tore the screaming child off her breast.

But Primark cast doubt on her claims today, saying the incident was not captured on CCTV - and it can ‘see no evidence that she was approached by anyone’ during the time in question yesterday.
Mrs Starmer said she chased after the man - described as a 5ft 10in Asian - as he strode off with Paige, and wrestled her out of his arms before leaving the store and reporting the incident to police.
She said: 'I was completely shocked, one minute I was feeding Paige in a discreet area of the store and suddenly I was being challenged by a security guard and he was walking off with my baby.

A real cliff hanger! Terrifying moment a gang of reckless teenagers perched at the edge of a 300ft drop above crumbling chalk cliff

Several of the youngsters (top right) were seen dangling their legs over the side of the crumbling chalk cliff face (left and centre) while others came perilously close to the sheer drop as they peered over. The reckless teenagers were caught on camera by Patrick Goff at the Seven Sisters cliffs near his home in Seaford, East Sussex. None of the group were injured. Despite being nearly a mile away on the other side of the river, the keen photographer noticed the group who he branded 'idiots' and snapped their dangerous antics on Saturday. The following day he tweeted the picture with the caption: 'At the cliffs. They want smacking.' Mr Goff told MailOnline today: 'To see a group of youngsters, presumably unsupervised, sitting on the edge of the crumbly chalk cliff stopped me cold.'

Squirrel About To Eat Snake Shows Nature Has Gone Totally Nuts

Turns out these bushy-tailed cuties aren't strict vegetarians.

A photo of a squirrel clutching a snake in its paws -- reportedly just before devouring it -- is taking the Internet by storm, perhaps because most people can’t fathom America’s favorite acorn-eater is capable of such violence.

But, even though squirrels mostly eat plants, they’ll also consume “bird eggs, lizards and snakes” according to West Texas’ Guadalupe Mountains National Park, which featured the photo on the park's Facebook page on July 6. The post states that the photo is “from the vault,” so we’re not sure exactly when it was taken -- or if the snake-eating fluffball is still in the vicinity.  The photographer, William Leggett, didn't respond to a request for comment from HuffPost.

What we do know is that the squirrel “devoured most of the snake, bones and all, down to the last two inches,“ according to the Facebook post.

Bear Falls From Tree At University Of Colorado... Again

Be warned, bears: if you fall from a tree on this campus, you will have an embarrassing photo of you circulating on the Internet.

Early Friday morning on the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado, a 2-year-old bear climbed up a tree, where it lazed around for approximately 4 hours, 7News Denver reported.

Wildlife officials tranquilized the baby bear, catching it in a net -- but not before school photographer Glenn Asakawa captured it on camera.
If this image looks familiar, it might be because the same thing happened three years ago. Student photographer Andy Duann captured the original "Falling Bear" for the student publication CU Independent, causing the photo to go viral overnight.

Just a year before that, a mountain lion had to be tranquilized when it was found perched in a tree near the dorms on campus. Boulder is beautiful and terrifying.

Regardless, we hope this is a trend that continues. We salute you, Falling Bear 2.

US Agents Knew Of 'El Chapo' Escape Plots In 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — The weekend disappearance of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman from a maximum security prison should have come as little surprise to Mexican authorities: The Drug Enforcement Administration had alerted them 16 months ago about several plans to escape.

Mexico's most notorious drug trafficker began plotting to break out almost immediately after his recapture at a seaside resort in February 2014. Internal DEA documents obtained by The Associated Press revealed that drug agents first got information in March 2014 that various Guzman family members and drug-world associates were considering "potential operations to free Guzman."

Mexican federal government officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the earlier escape schemes.

Since the 1990s his violent and powerful cartel has been known for digging sophisticated smuggling tunnels under the U.S. border with Mexico. Guzman was first arrested in 1993 but escaped in Jalisco from one of Mexico's top-security prisons in January 2001, allegedly by hiding in a laundry basket. He evaded capture in early February 2014 through an elaborate network of tunnels that connected multiple safe houses in Culiacan, in his home state of Sinaloa, and was arrested again a month later.

Jim Dinkins, the former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations unit said that Guzman's history of tunneling makes Saturday's escape "really ingenious." The sophisticated tunnel described by Mexican authorities would usually take about a year and half to two years to complete, Dinkins said, suggesting it was started almost immediately after Guzman's arrest in 2014.

The DEA documents obtained by the AP do not include details of how the previous escape plots would be carried out. In them, Guzman is identified as Guzman-Loera.

DEA agents did not have information about Saturday night's plan, when Guzman escaped through an underground tunnel in his prison cell's shower area, allegedly built without the detection of authorities. It allowed Guzman to do what Mexican officials promised would never happen after his re-capture last year — slip out of one of the country's most secure penitentiaries for the second time.

A widespread manhunt that included highway checkpoints, stepped up border security and closure of an international airport failed to turn up any trace of Guzman by Monday, more than 24 hours after he got away.

The White House said Monday U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch spoke with Mexico's attorney general the day after the escape was discovered. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the U.S. government has offered its full support to Mexico. He pointed out that Guzman has also been charged with serious crimes in the U.S.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said Guzman's "swift recapture by Mexican authorities is a priority for both Mexican and US governments.

The documents revealed that in March 2014 agents in Los Angeles reported a possible escape operation funded by Rafael Caro-Quintero, who helped orchestrate the 1985 kidnapping and murder of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena. That plot involved threatening or bribing prison officials. The same investigation revealed four months later that Guzman's son had sent a team of lawyers and military counter-intelligence personnel to design a break-out plan.

In December of that year, agents in the DEA's Houston Field Division reported that a Mexican army general stated "that a deal was in place to release both Guzman-Loera and imprisoned Los Zetas Cartel leader Miguel Angel 'Z-40' Tevino-Morales."

Widely considered the world's richest and most powerful drug trafficker before his capture last year, Guzman slipped down a shaft from his prison cell's shower area late Saturday and disappeared into a sophisticated mile-long (1.5 kilometer-long) tunnel with ventilation, lighting and a motorcycle apparently used to move dirt.

Guzman's arrest in 2014 was considered a crowning achievement of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto's government in its war against drug cartels.

"All the accolades that Mexico has received in their counterdrug efforts will be erased by this one event" if Guzman is not recaptured, said Michael S. Vigil, a retired U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration chief of international operations.

Along with the 2014 escape plans, the DEA documents reveal that Guzman was still directing facets of his drug empire.

"Despite being imprisoned in a 'high security' facility, DEA reporting further indicates Guzman-Loera was able to provide direction to his son and other cartel members via the attorneys who visited (him) in prison and possibly through the use of a cellphone provided...by corrupt prison guards," the documents stated.

Following Guzman's capture, according to the documents, his son Ivan Guzman-Salazar became "the de facto leader of the Guzman branch of the Sinaloa Cartel." Guzman's "right-hand man, Damaso Lopez-Nunez" took over one of the four major trafficking organizations that operated under the auspices of the larger Sinaloa Cartel.

It is "premature to accurately predict" what will now happen to the power structure of the organization, but Guzman's escape likely "will affect current leadership," according to the documents.


Associated Press reporter Mark Stevenson contributed to this report from Mexico City.

Badass Cat Has New Home After Surviving 28 Miles Stuck In Truck Engine

A cat rescued from the engine of a pickup truck after a 28-mile ride from Pennsylvania to New Jersey now has a new home.

NJ.com (http://bit.ly/1TuDCtr) reports that the cat was given to Jennifer Blunts and her boyfriend, John Tegethoff, at a ceremony Sunday. They will take the cat back their Kunkletown, Pennsylvania home.

The adoption ends a tale that began earlier this month, when the orange and white feline crawled into the pickup's engine compartment. Not knowing the cat was there, the driver traveled from East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, to the Mars Chocolate North America plant in Hackettstown, New Jersey.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

After Seeing This, I Never Want To Go Back Home Again. And You Probably Won't Either.

Walk through any random suburban neighborhood. What do you see? More than likely the answer to that question is "the same thing, over and over." For many cities, the neighborhoods in the suburbs will look pretty similar. It's not a bad thing, but building rows of houses of a similar style is pretty common. Living amongst friends and neighbors that have a similar lifestyle to yours can be a supportive and wonderful part of life. However, those cookie cutter neighborhoods are why it's so refreshing to see unique homes and hotels like the ones below. These structures range from inner city living to the country, from costing a lot of money to very little. The most important thing behind these designs isn't the money; it's the inspiration.

1.) Grain silo homes. These homes can be built to be energy efficient. Plus, they use recycled materials.

2.) An underground home (Greece).
3.) Converted water tower home (England).
4.) Fallingwater (Pennsylvania). This home was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 and is now a beautiful National Historic Landmark.
5.) Drina River home (Serbia).

Part5: You'll Swear These 5 Things Are Totally Different Things. But Look Again... Because NOPE.

21.) Plank wants to haunt your dreams.
22.) This is the happiest bit of pavement in the world.
23.) Silly Cookie Monster. There aren't cookies in frozen streams.

Part4: You'll Swear These 5 Things Are Totally Different Things. But Look Again... Because NOPE.

16.) A giant iron man was found lurking behind the school.

17.) Just put down the knife man, no carrots have to get hurt...
18.) Chihuahua fence. x2.
19.) Oh nooo! My engine is dirty.
20.) Don't step on meeeeee.